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We, International Writing Instrument Corp. (IWI) are specialized in metallic pens since 1985 in Taiwan. We provide a complete range of ball point pens, mechanical pencils, roller ball pens, fountain pens and pen parts with distinctive finishes to suite any writer's preference. Gift sets and advertising items are also available. OEM and customers' designs are welcome.
Active, Creative, Qualified, Efficient - IWI
IWI 蒙恬實業股份有限公司自1985年成立以來在台灣專門製造金屬筆,外銷各種鋼筆、原子筆、書寫工具。憑藉三十年來的豐富製筆技術,不斷湧現新款式,新材質,賦予每一支筆獨特的靈魂與生命。
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